Leo Asemota The Ens Project_.html_.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0

The Ens Project by Leo Asemota

This is a Temporary website for The Ens Project an ongoing multipartite work of art by Nigerian born London based artist Leo Asemota.

Asemota has been evolving The Ens Project since spring 2005. The Project’s formative and creative impetus are ancient and contemporary Nigeria’s Edo peoples of Benin’s rich tradition of art and ceremony and their annual Igue rite to the Head; Victorian Britain’s history of invention, exploration and conquest in which the sacking and looting of the former Kingdom of Benin is of particular interest; and the essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by the German cultural theorist Walter Benjamin.

This Temporary website presents an overview of the Project’s phases, its history, list of works and an ens cyclopædia of related subject matter.

Phase 1 First Principles 
Phase 2 The Handmaiden
Phase 3 Eo ipso
Project Historyproject_history.htmlproject_history.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0
Ens Cyclopædiaens_cyclopaedia.htmlens_cyclopaedia.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
The Prime Mover’s will on the Architect
List of workslist_of_works.htmllist_of_works.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0

© Leo Asemota / EoTLA   All Rights Reserved         

The Prime Movers will on the Architect is Leo Asemota’s creative activity, his experiences and process in realizing The Ens Project. Aspects of the collection have been exhibited at The Contemporary Rooms at EoTLA (2010) and at Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (2014)

Installation views

The Prime Movers will on the Architect

25 September 2010 - 19 February 2011

Contemporary Rooms at EoTLA


Installation views of works from

Leo Asemota’s “The Prime Movers will on the Architect”.

Transfigurations: Curatorial and Artistic Research in an Age of Migrations

19 - 26 June 2014

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

Photo: Courtesy of Royal College of Art, London

The Tutelary Affiliate: Miner

Brass leaf, orhue (kaolin) and coal on printed matter in artists’ frame.

Observation of material: VRI Blackfriars Bridge


Coal on colour photograph in artist’s frame

Observation of material: Agent of The Union


Coal, coral, silver foil, printed matter of a photograph of a British Protectorate Soldier with Benin Medal and oxidized metal strap.

Observation of material: Untitled


Orhue (kaolin), coal and coral on reading matter.

Observation of material: Dimensional Analogues of A Void


Palm oil casts


Newspaper cutting

London’s Evening Standard Thursday 5 June 2019

Newspaper cutting

Illustrated London News c. 1940’s

“Royal Air Force Memorial, Victoria Embankment”


Colour video with sound

Excerpt from a film of Leo Asemota viewing Benin Bronze heads at the British Museum.


Colour video without sound

Observation of material: Printer alignment

Archival ink on paper in artist’s frame


“Turkey’s pit of despair”

Newspaper cutting

The Independent Thursday 15 May 2014

“Black Magic”

WIRED magazine Issue 22.04

April 2014

A Progress Book

Unilever Limited

“Indonesia is burning”

Newspaper cutting

The Guardian Friday 30 October 2015

Observation of material: spi(rit)ual


Coal, orhue (kaoilin) and iron sheet on a stand

From the series: Rit Drawing.

Excerpt from a video recording of Ugie Ivie (Rite of the Coral beads)

Oba Palace, Benin City


Colour video with sound.

“Coral for kunstkemmern”

Christie’s magazine June-July 2015

Copy of Leo Asemota’s request for archives


Templer Study Centre

National Army Museum, London

Preparatory sketches for the live art work “Count Off for Eo ipso” at Tate Modern Tanks


Ink on colour photograph

Preparing “agba” style pedestals at Bait Khalid Ibrahim, Sharjah

Sharjah Biennail 2019
Colour video with sound.
© 2019 Leo Asemota / EoTLA

From “Royal Art of Benin - The Perls Collection”
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kate Ezra

Observation of material: Avatāra

Ink on a photograph of Architect Sir Giles Gilbert Scott